Ross Rehab at Anatomy 101, presented by Hamilton Medical Legal Society

The Ross Rehabilitation team returned for a second year to Anatomy 101 presented by the Hamilton Medical Legal Society. The anatomy lab session, held on February 8, 2018, focused on education of the shoulder, spine, neck and knee.

Cheryl Wylie and Brian Oderkirk presented on “Physiotherapy Initial Assessment” for each of these anatomical areas, with focus towards assessment of a WAD III and upper extremity neuroscan, lumbar disc dysfunction identification, rotator cuff tears, and ACL and PCL testing. Demonstrations were provided, which gave participants an opportunity to see specific testing that patients undergo in a physiotherapy examination.

We would like to thank the Hamilton Medical Legal Society for having us! We look forward to further collaboration and education in the Hamilton community. If you would like to see further events being held by the Hamilton Medical Legal Society, please visit