Cheryl Wylie Speaks on Temporomandibular Joint Rehabilitation

tmj-cover-croppedCheryl Wylie, Physiotherapy Practice Leader at Ross Rehabilitation spoke last month at the Hamilton & District Dental Hygienist Society (HDDHS) monthly meeting on September 14, 2016. She spoke about Temporomandibular Joint Rehabilitation, an area Ross Rehabilitation has had extensive experience in treating and educating the local community about.

The session reviewed various TMJ dysfunctions, the biomechanics behind TMJ clicking and locking, the role of physiotherapy in TMJ rehabilitation, and the role of hygienists in recognizing TMJ disorders and providing initial education to the patient. We were happy to see such a wonderful turnout and to be able to share our experience with TMJ rehabilitation with local healthcare providers.

imgresRehabilitation is done best with a team approach, so we were excited to spark such interest amongst Hamilton’s hygienists. Thank you again to HDDHS for the collaborative education opportunity. To find out more about future meetings or events held by the HDDHS, please visit